
Mostrando las entradas de noviembre, 2018

Urbanism: Peter Calthorpe

In this TED talk, Peter Cartolphe tell us about how the humanity this moment, the persons who have the control to take the big decisions for all of us I mean, are doing the wrong moves, creating big and very bad designed cities, where we can find to many problems, dangerous for us and for the environment, with the sprawl of the cities according a bad regulation, making us be more apart from each other, and our respective jobs, schools, etc. This problem makes to the most of the population to drive long distance to go accomplish their task or just where they want to go, at the same time, with this, we are producing more pollution with the gases of the cars and making the big cities less healthy and worse for us. He talks too about the big building that we are creating and how even with a 30% of the population driving cars or something alike, the cities are designed for them, ignoring the majority of people who doesn’t. The solution that he tells us is to use more the bikes or just wal

Postgraduate Studies

I think that if one day I decide to do a postgraduate course I would do something that could be in the same area of my actual career or probably something totally different, but I’m sure that I would pick a course that could help me in some way with what I would want to do or something that I really enjoy. I think that the postgraduate courses are something that it´s really beneficial for us and that it´s a plus for anyone in the moment that we look for a job, and the amount of salary that we could get thanks to it. In that case, I would do something related with arts, languages, music or something with design probably, any course that I could find interesting, help me in some way or just enjoy learning new things doing it. Taking the course in other country would be the best I think, have the chance to experience how it is to study in a different country and experience the culture there, I would learn even more things, and not only thanks to the course. In this moment I´m not total