Postgraduate Studies

I think that if one day I decide to do a postgraduate course I would do something that could be in the same area of my actual career or probably something totally different, but I’m sure that I would pick a course that could help me in some way with what I would want to do or something that I really enjoy. I think that the postgraduate courses are something that it´s really beneficial for us and that it´s a plus for anyone in the moment that we look for a job, and the amount of salary that we could get thanks to it.
In that case, I would do something related with arts, languages, music or something with design probably, any course that I could find interesting, help me in some way or just enjoy learning new things doing it. Taking the course in other country would be the best I think, have the chance to experience how it is to study in a different country and experience the culture there, I would learn even more things, and not only thanks to the course. In this moment I´m not totally sure about how would I like to study there but maybe I would do a distance learning, that way I would have the possibility to have more time for myself and do different things, but I would have to think better about it. There is too many option to pick between all the things that I could do when I finish my studies but for right now I want to focus in what I´m studying now and then when I finish survive to the CAE.


  1. that is a very good idea, hope you achieve all your goals!

  2. It would be interesting study something totally different of your career! Good luck with the CAE :(

  3. sounds very good. good luck. something related with music sounds better

  4. There are so much possiblities to take in consideration, to any area, so it's cool that you are focused at the present


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