My Future Job

The kind of job that I would like to have it´s a job where I could have time for me, where I could do what a like and not get stressed, something that I enjoy, working the right time and resting doing other things too, I imagine a job where I could work from home, doing my designs relax with a good cup of coffee and then during my free time doing whatever I could want in the moment, sometimes meeting with clients or work partners. I love to travel so would be really nice to be able to do, I don´t know if I would like to do it too often because it could be really exhausting so a few times during the year would be just fine. About the money I´ve never been too interested on it, just the enough to have my house, maybe a car and stuff to live a good and regular life it would be okay for me.
The major I’m studying is Design, and the reason it´s only because between all the other careers I couldn´t find something that I would really like to do, to me design is the less bad but during this time I have enjoyed learning new things about it. To me the best job is to be happy doing what you like, doesn´t even has to be a career in University or anywhere else, I think that it´s possible to find and live doing what you love elsewhere, if you just have the will and passion to do it, you can do it.


  1. I also think it is great to work only when you want to, it sounds like a very relaxed job, and about if this is the kind of thing you would like to do, I think it is very difficult to have a clear decision, because there are too many options and it is very hard to decide just yet!


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