
Urbanism: Peter Calthorpe

In this TED talk, Peter Cartolphe tell us about how the humanity this moment, the persons who have the control to take the big decisions for all of us I mean, are doing the wrong moves, creating big and very bad designed cities, where we can find to many problems, dangerous for us and for the environment, with the sprawl of the cities according a bad regulation, making us be more apart from each other, and our respective jobs, schools, etc. This problem makes to the most of the population to drive long distance to go accomplish their task or just where they want to go, at the same time, with this, we are producing more pollution with the gases of the cars and making the big cities less healthy and worse for us. He talks too about the big building that we are creating and how even with a 30% of the population driving cars or something alike, the cities are designed for them, ignoring the majority of people who doesn’t. The solution that he tells us is to use more the bikes or just wal

Postgraduate Studies

I think that if one day I decide to do a postgraduate course I would do something that could be in the same area of my actual career or probably something totally different, but I’m sure that I would pick a course that could help me in some way with what I would want to do or something that I really enjoy. I think that the postgraduate courses are something that it´s really beneficial for us and that it´s a plus for anyone in the moment that we look for a job, and the amount of salary that we could get thanks to it. In that case, I would do something related with arts, languages, music or something with design probably, any course that I could find interesting, help me in some way or just enjoy learning new things doing it. Taking the course in other country would be the best I think, have the chance to experience how it is to study in a different country and experience the culture there, I would learn even more things, and not only thanks to the course. In this moment I´m not total

My favorite subject in school

My Future Job

The kind of job that I would like to have it´s a job where I could have time for me, where I could do what a like and not get stressed, something that I enjoy, working the right time and resting doing other things too, I imagine a job where I could work from home, doing my designs relax with a good cup of coffee and then during my free time doing whatever I could want in the moment, sometimes meeting with clients or work partners. I love to travel so would be really nice to be able to do, I don´t know if I would like to do it too often because it could be really exhausting so a few times during the year would be just fine. About the money I´ve never been too interested on it, just the enough to have my house, maybe a car and stuff to live a good and regular life it would be okay for me. The major I’m studying is Design, and the reason it´s only because between all the other careers I couldn´t find something that I would really like to do, to me design is the less bad but during thi

My Hobbies

Which are my hobbies? Why did I choose these hobbies? Is there any other hobby I am interested on it? My hobbies are mostly about art, since I was a little kid that I draw and never stopped doing that so my interests were being influenced by that way. So knowing that, drawing is one of my hobbies, I´m not very used to paint though, I’m more into the black and grey style, and from there that I decided to learn how to tattoo. I started a few years ago but haven´t practice enough yet to think in about something serious but I really like it so I see myself doing it in a future, so when I can make some free time for that I will keep practicing. I also like to play to guitar and sing, I really love music so enjoy a lot doing it, makes me feel relax and enjoy of that moments. I choose this hobbies, or I get into them because I have been always interested in the different forms of art, I think that doing that is such a wonderful experience that helps you to appreciate one of the co

My best holidays

The best holidays that I’ve ever had was in Australia, January 2016. I went there alone to visit my family who lives in there, but first I had to deal with almost 16 hours flying in the airplane. Once I arrived Melbourne my aunt and uncle were in the airport waiting for me. I stayed with them and other family members for almost 3 months, so I could experience the aussie life style with them. I went to many different places with my different relatives, with my uncles I went to see the kangaroos in a national park where they were living wild in there, they took me to the beach too, to try some sea food around there and enjoy the view of the sunset. With my cousins I went to a lot of different places, they are many and have their own families already so I moved with each one of them sometimes all together. We went to places like zoos, more beaches, family meetings and to try different kind of food in there, from different countries mostly because Melbourne is a place where you can see

That place where i would like to be

       When I ask to myself where is the place i would like to travel it´s always hard, or impossible, to pick only one. The different things to see, experience, and the bonds that I have with the places I can imagine make me doubt, but if I would have to pick one right now to go I couldn´t think in somewhere else than Portland, Oregon or Alaska, but mostly the first one. I have been always interested in the nature and the forests, and Oregon has a lot of that. The pure air, beautiful views and the possibility to move around the country and visit the different places alike that you can find easily in a short time, escape from the city into the wild. Plus, for me, it makes it more important the fact that my girlfriend lives there, so I can´t wait to go there and experience by myself all those things that she already experienced. To me there is no better feeling that find the peace in the calm of the nature, the sound of the birds and creeks, that sweet melody that only the na